Rachel can help you with a range of educational, training and quality assurance needs you may have. Consultancy services include:
Delivering staff training and development sessions in many areas of English, ESOL & maths delivery in FE: from support with assessment, embedding English & maths to improvement in specific skills areas in English, contact me to discuss any areas for improvement your organisation may have identified.
Delivering staff training and development sessions in SEND needs and inclusion: from basic awareness into SpLDs, to more in depth sessions on Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism or ADHD. Also offered is a session on wellbeing for staff.
Providing mentoring and coaching support to teachers and working with departments on quality improvement targets.
Preparing for inspection focusing on ESOL: carry out a 'deep dive' into this curriculum area.
Preparing for inspection focusing on maths & English: if you want to ensure your organisation has a focus on maths and English in all aspects of your delivery and maximise Learners' opportunities to improve their skills and progress in this area.
Preparing for inspection focusing on SEND and Inclusion. Help for smaller providers without SEND departments.
Preparing for inspection with a Quality Focus: Quality Improvement Plans, Action Planning and Self-Assessment Reports, not only in maths, English & ESOL, but overarching quality plans also.
Advising on Internal Quality Systems: I can assist you with you internal quality documents, plans and procedures. If you are in need of an IQA, contact me to see if I can provide this service for you!
Did you know?
Rachel is a Fellow of the Society for Education and Training and has been a member for over 17 years.