Here's some feedback from clients, colleagues and delegates at various training and networking events as well as consultancy led by Rachel.

Öner Training and Consultancy has partnered up with the Prisoner Learning Alliance to facilitate a national network for Prison educators who deliver English, ESOL, maths, Digital Skills and Inclusion. Here's a bit of feedback from the first network meeting.

A recent Twitter post from #JoyFE merits a place on this page!

A recent LinkedIn post from Swarm Apprenticeships on Rachel's role as their SEND and Wellbeing advisor.

See below more feedback from various training sessions led by Rachel...

Öner Training and Consultancy has developed and delivers a series of CPD Events for City & Guilds around Teaching and Learning English. City & Guilds were proud to display feedback one delegate had to say about the event which they attended...

Feedback from Level 5 Module in ESOL (ETF).