Resource Development
Exam and Assessment materials:
Rachel is an experienced content writer, has written materials for major Awarding Organisations and other educational content suppliers for English and ESOL in the further Education sector.
Subject Specific and Contextualised resources for Business and Education:
Creating a bespoke resource for your organisation or one targeted at a particular specialist end user can be very challenging.
Rachel has experience in writing a number of resources for publishers, major employers and Sector Skills Councils.
Please contact us to chat about any needs you may have. Meanwhile see below a sample of past resources.
'Effective Communication with a
Multi-Language Workforce'
Rachel was a principle writer on the toolkit commissioned by the Co-Operative and the Association of Labour Providers. The Toolkit gives employers who have multilanguage workforces practical tips and strategies on more effective communication with their workers.
'ESOL for Food Manufacturing'​
Rachel was a principle writer on a Course and Trainer Guide commissioned by the National Skills Academy for Food & Drink Manufacturing. The course was designed to assist in the training of ESOL speakers in the workforce of a major food manufacturing company, assisting with the vocabulary and culture of working in this sector in the the UK. The course was produced in conjunction with Poultec Training Ltd.
'Quick Guide to Embedding'​
In her role as Supported Provider in the Literacy, Language and Numeracy Support Programme from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), Rachel wrote a number of contextualised guides for embedding English & maths in Vocational Programmes. Each guide was aimed at non-specialist staff who were also responsible for delivering maths & English in their programmes and and was tailored to a different vocational area such as Motor Vehicle, Hairdressing and Employability.
Functional Skills English Level 1 Pocket Poster Book - Daydream Education.
Rachel was the principal writer, and reviewer on the Daydream Education's Pocket Poster book for Functional Skills English (published 2023).