Öner Training & Consultancy can assist you by providing relevant, targeted and engaging CPD for Tutors, Trainers and Assessors.
Improvement in English and maths delivery: from needs such as basic English & maths awareness training to preparing for inspection, we can help.
Bespoke training can be delivered or chose from some of the most popular topics below, (which can also be tailored or contextualised to your setting):
Functional Skills, English & maths programmes
Functional Skills support (all areas of curriculum and pedagogical support):
Effective Assessment in English (from Initial Assessment, Assessment for Learning and preparing for end Assessment).
Improving delivery of reading & writing skills.
Developing learners' vocabulary in English.
Developing learners' grammar and writing.
Supporting with speaking, listening and communication skills.
Setting targets and holding effective reviews.
Effective feedback and feedforward.
Planning for learning, stretch, challenge and adapt.
Using authentic materials in English & maths classes.
Supporting ESOL learners on English programmes.
Supporting ESOL learners on maths programmes.
A project/topic-based approach to delivering Functional Skills.
Preparing for inspection with a maths and English focus.
ESOL support (all areas of curriculum and pedagogical support):
Teaching pre-entry and low-level literacy learners (10 hour course).
Assessment in ESOL (from Initial Assessment, Assessment for Learning and preparing for end Assessment).
Supporting ESOL learners on vocational programmes.
Supporting ESOL learners on English programmes.
Supporting ESOL learners on maths programmes.
Basic ESOL awareness training for non-specialist staff.
An introduction to Trauma Informed Practice in ESOL.
Wellbeing for ESOL tutors and learners.
Using Authentic materials in ESOL classes.
Digital tools for ESOL (including):
Using Padlet to enrich ESOL classes​.
Making the most of PowerPoint in language learning.
Delivering online ESOL classes.
Preparing for a Deep Dive in ESOL.​
Improving Teaching and Learning:
Plan, stretch, challenge and adapt.
Active Learning and Retrieval Practice.
Effective feedback and feedforward.
Maximising use of digital technology in maths, English & ESOL teaching.
Delivering engaging and effective training online.
Creating a simple Blended Learning course.
Embedding maths and English in vocational programmes.
Designing contextualised maths, English & ESOL courses.
Supporting learners with maths, English and ESOL for Learning Support Assistants.
Accessibility in teaching and learning.
Trauma Informed Practice.
Supporting learners with neurodiversity and SEND needs (a number of sessions from basic awareness training to more in-depth CPD on the main neurodiversity needs in education).
Supporting neurodivergent learners in a language classroom.
Supporting with Dyslexia in the language classroom.
Basic accessibility for English, ESOL and maths classes.
Prison Learning:
Delivery of English, maths and ESOL in Prison Learning - most of the courses above can be contextualised to the prison education environment.
Embedding digital skills in Prison Learning programmes.
Delivering roll-on, roll-off courses.
Rachel can tailor content to your requirements, provide a combination of topics from above, or deliver a completely bespoke course for your training needs.
Please use the contact page to start a conversation about your staff training needs.

Did you know?
Rachel has been awarded Advanced Teacher Status (ATS) with the Society for Education and Training as well as Chartered Teacher Status (CTeach) with the Chartered College of Teaching.
She has also been awarded CMALT as a Certified Member if the Association for Learning Technology with a specialism in ESOL teaching.

Did you know?
Rachel attends over 50 hours of CPD a year and strives to increase standards of CPD provision to FE practitioners.