Delivering a two-week course in Learning Differences in Language Teaching to teachers from Madrid for NILE in Norwich July 2024.
Delivering a workshop on Inclusive Teaching at the NATECLA National Conference, Birmingham June 2024.
Delivering a workshop to Israeli, Spanish and Italian trainee teachers at NILE, Norwich, August 2023. Teaching how to support learning differences with inclusive materials.
Presenting at the National English Networking Event at the College of West Anglia February 2023. Discussing how to make Functional Skills more accessible to ESOL learners.
Presenting on ESOL and Maths at the National EMESOL Conference in November 2022.
Watch the presentation here.
Delivering ESOL training to the UK Parliament Outreach Team, London August 2022
Presenting on 'Wellbeing for ESOL teachers' during Associates' Day at the annual IATEFL International Conference in Belfast (May 2022).
Opening the NATECLA National Conference AGM (June 2022).
Presenting at the launch of the Skills for Life Strategy for 2021-31 (01.03.21)
Presenting at the Society for Education Conference (02.11.21)
Chairing the Annual Conference of the NATECLA East of England Branch at Colchester Institute (13.03.20).
Presenting at the ETF's & #APConnect Conference at South Essex College (03.03.20).
Delivering an ESOL themed training day with the ESOL team at The Sheffield College (December 2019).
Facilitating the ETF's Professional Exchange Group for Quality Assurance, Cambridge (March 2019).
Chairing the NATECLA East Conference, Cambridge (March 2019).
Facilitating the ETF's Professional Exchange Group for ESOL, Bury St Edmunds (November 2018).
Presenting at the NATECLA National Conference, Birmingham (July 2018).
Chairing the NATECLA Regional Branch Event, Bury St Edmunds (June 2018).
Watch the video of the Ascentis Teachmeet at the NATECLA National Conference, Birmingham (July 2018).
Chairing the NATECLA Regional Branch Launch event, Norwich (March 2018).
Presenting at the CITB National Conference (Westminster 2010). Accompanied by Quorn Foods HR Department and showcasing ESOL for the Workplace provision.
Presenting at the annual FE Week Festival of Skills at Wellington College on behalf of City & Guilds (June 2017).
With colleagues from the Association of Colleges of the Eastern Region (ACER) celebrating the success of the ESF Stepping-Stones Funded Project. The project delivered ESOL and Literacy courses to hundreds of Learners in major companies in the East of England.
Celebrating success with a group of learners after completing their ESOL for Citizenship course at Norwich Library.
With colleagues from ACER and Poultec Training celebrating learner success on PTLLS courses.
Celebrating success with a group of learners from Banham Poultry after completing their ESOL for Work course.